Tuesday 7 March 2017

Choose to be in the hands of our Saviour!

i made four bacon and egg pies for our district training meeting

Good morning everybody! I hope you all had a great week! I know I sure did! How did y'all do with that invitation I gave you last week? Surely all of you were able to be a light in some way! And I know that as we all tried to be a light we were able to make the world that much brighter! So keep going! Keep shining and keep lighting the way for others!

This week was super fun! And it went by so fast! It's so hard for me to believe that I am almost done with my first transfer in the field. It is going by way too fast! Whoever said that your first transfer is the slowest was not telling the truth because this was soooo fast! 

When I was in the MTC I got this little story from my awesome District Leader (shout out to Elder Gray serving in the Melbourne Mission).

"A basketball in my hands is worth $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $6. A baseball in Mark McGuire's hands is worth about $19 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A tennis racket is useless in my hands. A tennis racket in Pete Sampra's hands is a Wimbledon Championship.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A slingshot in my hands is a child’s toy. A slingshot in David's hands is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Two fish and five loaves of bread in my hands are a few fish sandwiches. Two fish and five loaves of bread in God's hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Nails in my hands might produce a bird house. Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends whose hands it's in."

So my question to you all is: Whose hands are you in?
In the hands of our Saviour Jesus Christ we are shaped into the sons and daughters of God that we were sent with the potential to become.
In the hands of our Saviour Jesus Christ we are able to push through the trials and tribulations that we face as part of this journey in our mortal life.
In the hands of our Saviour Jesus Christ we have the opportunity to be with our families for eternity and to have all that our Heavenly Father has.

How great are the blessings when we choose to be in the hands of our Saviour! My invitation to you all this week is to ALLOW the Saviour to hold you, to guide you, to shape you! Will you do this? I promise you that as you are WILLING to do this and submit yourself to the hands of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, that you will immediately see the changes in your life! I know that I have!

I love you all so much! Continue being a light and strive to be in the hands of our Saviour!


Sister Roos xx (: (: 

Yes, that is me playing with a Saint Bernard who weighs twice as much as me hahhahha her name is Leona. Sister Remme has five of them.

my trainer (my mom) sister niu, and my district leader (my dad) elder joseph

me, sister niu, elder agreda

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