Monday 17 April 2017

The Gospel Plan

10 April, 2017

Well it's a great day here in Bathurst! It’s Freezing degrees outside. So how did you all do with your challenge for the week? If you forgot what your challenge was it was
"If there is a question that you long to be answered - ASK our Saviour in sincere prayer! He will answer! If there is something you desire - SEEK after it and our Saviour will lead you there! If there is a door that you can't open - KNOCK and our Saviour will open it!"
How many of you did this? Did you see the miracles that occurred in your life? Well! I would love to share an awesome experience that my companion and I had this week pertaining to the invitation that I extended to you last week! 
Our cute little Chapel
                                       Inside Bathurst Chapel                             

So we have this investigator […]. He has truly been prepared by the Lord to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ in his life at this time. However, there was one concern that we would have to address in order for him to progress within the gospel and be baptised. He just moved into this home and was very happy here and so for the last month we have been praying and fasting that the Lord would provide a way for us that when we address this concern with him. When we finished the lesson we asked him what he had planned for the rest of the day and he said he was going home to pack. We asked why, confused because he never mentioned that he was going on a trip or anything). He replied - well I've been thinking that I want a change of scenery! I like the flat that I'm in right now but I've been feeling for the last couple of weeks that I want to go somewhere else, so I'm going to move in with my mom for a while until I can find another place to stay! Is that not a miracle or what? The Lord truly is merciful and answers your prayers as you ASK, SEEK and KNOCK! 

This week, as I've been praying and pondering on what I should share with you, (yes, I pray specifically on what I should write in my weekly emails hahhaha and ask for guidance on what to share) I have felt very impressed to speak about:

REPENTANCE: The Gospel Plan vs Satan's Strategy.

God would have us RECOGNISE what we have done wrong and know we have sinned. 
Satan would rather have us RATIONALISE and make excuses for our actions.

The gospel plan is for us to show REMORSE; REGRET what we did wrong, and show Godly sorrow.
Satan wants us to RESENT God and only show worldly sorrow if we get caught.
From President Ezra Taft Benson we learn:
"It is not uncommon to find men and women in the world who feel remorse for the things they do wrong. Sometimes this is because their actions cause them or loved ones great sorrow or misery. Sometimes their sorrow is caused because they are caught and punished for their actions. Such worldly feelings do no constitute godly sorrow. Godly sorrow is a gift of the spirit. It is a deep realisation that our actions have offended our Father. It is the sharp and keen awareness that our behaviour caused the Saviour, He who knew no sin, even the greatest of all, to endure agony and suffering. Our sins caused Him to bleed at every pore. This very real mental and spiritual anguish is what the scriptures refer to as having a broken heart and a contrite spirit."

God would have us RESOLVE not to do it again; forsake the sin and RECOMMIT to do the right thing. 
Satan would rather we REGRESS; harden our hearts and procrastinate any repentance. 

The Gospel teaches us to REPORT or confess to God.
Satan's way is to REPEAT the offence and keep on sinning. 

The Gospel way is to REPAIR or RESTORE and pay back in some way - Right or Wrong.
Satan would rather we not REMEMBER the commandments of God but to keep on disobeying them. 

The Gospel teaches us to forgive or RELEASE others who trespass against us.
The Devil's way is to RETAIN the offence and keep holding the grudge.

God's plan is for us to RECEIVE Christ's Atonement and be able to forget our past bad behaviour. 
Whereas, the devil would rather we REMAIN the same and REJECT Christ's Atonement. 

Despite all this we should realise that we are only forgiven through the Grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. So we must show our love of the Saviour, for HIs atoning sacrifice for us at Gethsemane and on the cross by striving to keep all His commandments. 

To clarify a little further I would have you know that:
Suffering is not repentance. Suffering comes from lack of repentance.
Remorse is not repentance. Remorse and sorrow continue because a person has not yet fully repented.
Confession is not repentance. Confession is an admission of guilt that occurs as repentance begins.
Receiving punishment for our sins is not repentance. Punishment follows disobedience and precedes repentance.

So if suffering, remorse, sorrow, confession and punishment are not repentance

Repentance from the Greek translation denotes a change of mind - a fresh view about god, about oneself and about the world. It is a turning of your HEART and your WILL to God. It is a renunciation of sin. Without repentance there can be no progress in the things of our soul's salvation because all accountable people are stained by sin and must be cleansed in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Repentance is essential to your happiness in this life and throughout eternity. Repentance is motivated by your love for God and your sincere desire to obey His commandments. Bringing our lives in line with God's will through repentance is a central purpose in our lives. We can return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ only through Christ's mercy and we receive this mercy only on condition of repentance.

As we change, we recognise we are children of God. The more we come to know who we are and who we desire to BECOME we will turn away from sin and do it no more - no matter how great or small the sin may be. We resist any sin that may come our way. Our desire to follow God and become like him, to return to him grows stronger and our love for Him deepens. 

My dear brothers and sisters, we all make mistakes and sometimes cause an injustice to others. Sins will be committed. As a result, there is not a soul alive who will not, at one time or another, be the victim to someone else's careless actions, hurtful conduct, or even sinful behaviour.

Our purpose of REPENTANCE is to obtain FORGIVENESS for ourselves from God. However, we must also remember the Lord has taught us that we should forgive others too; even though we may be the victim. Satan's strategy would have us continue carrying the burden of hate, bitterness and revenge forever. But if we follow the gospel plan and forgive our offender, we can be free of the pain of resentment in no time. 

Just as we are all victims to the misdeeds of others at one time or another, we are sometimes the offender. We all fall short and have need of Christ's grace, mercy and forgiveness.

Let us remember that forgiveness of our own sins and offenses is conditional upon our forgiving of others. The Saviour said "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)

To be effective, repentance must be directed towards your relationship to God. True repentance follows when you have deep remorse that he or she has offended God by breaking his laws and being disobedient. You are sorry because of the alienation from God that the sin has brought into your life.

My invitation to you this week is to allow REPENTANCE to CHANGE you! Follow the Gospel Plan! The plan that will allow you to be refined, cleansed and pure and enable you to become more like our Saviour and Heavenly Father! I promise you that as you repent and forgive those who trespass you that you will feel God's forgiveness and his peace, guilt and sorrow are swept away, you will feel the influence of the spirit in greater abundance and you will be more prepared to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus Christ when we pass from this life!

Love you!
Sister Roos xx (: (: 

P.S. sorry if this is fob I didn't re-read through it hahahhahahah, and I also didn't have time to add all my scripture references, so if you want them let me know and i'll email them to you hahhahah
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